Hanfrey Deng
Fall 2023 Winner
Magaña & Van Dyke is proud to announce Hanfrey Deng as the Lifelong Hobby Scholarship recipient. Hanfrey currently attends USC, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry. It is an honor to help Hanfrey focus on becoming a dentist and continue to pursue his passion for guitar and music.
Victoriana Shannon
Spring 2023 Winner
Help us congratulate the Spring 2023 award winner of the Magaña & Van Dyke Lifelong Hobby Scholarship, Victoriana Shannon. Victoriana is currently finishing up her final year of undergraduate studies at The University of Texas at Austin. In the fall, she plans to study law at Georgetown University Law School.
Pamela Garza
Fall 2022 Winner
Magaña & Van Dyke is excited to announce Pamela Garza as our Fall 2022 award winner. Pamela is in her third year of college at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. She is pursuing a degree in communications and journalism and is an avid piano player.