Texas DWI Search and Seizure Attorney

Defending Against Constitutional Rights Violations in Denton County
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution affords every individual the right to be secure in their person or property. This means that if law enforcement officials suspect someone of committing an offense, they cannot simply stop and search that individual. They must have either a warrant or probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. If they fail to follow proper procedures, they may have violated constitutional protections, and any evidence they obtained may be inadmissible in the case.
If you were subject to an unlawful search and seizure, contact Magaña & Van Dyke at 940-382-1976. Our Denton lawyers will discuss your legal options during a free consultation.
Constitutional Protections and DWI Cases
The Fourth Amendment protection applies to DWI matters. However, in these types of cases, police generally don't need a warrant to stop someone or conduct a search of their person or property. They do need either probable cause or permission to take such action, though.
Probable cause means that the police officer had some justifiable reason to pull someone over and/or arrest them. Their actions cannot be based on a hunch. For instance, if an officer sees a person leave a bar and start driving home, they cannot assume that the individual is drunk driving just because of this observation. However, if the driver runs a red light, the officer has probable cause to conduct a stop, because the individual committed a traffic violation.
Just because the officer had a valid reason to stop the driver, that does not mean that they have probable cause to arrest them. Again, they must have justifiable grounds to take the person into custody. They may gather evidence to support their decision to arrest the driver by asking them to submit to field sobriety tests or observing their behaviors, such as slurred speech or an inability to focus.
During a traffic stop involving a possible DWI, an officer does not necessarily need a warrant to conduct a search of the vehicle. If the driver gives consent, or the officer sees something inside the car suggesting that a crime has been committed, they can lawfully look through its contents.
Contact a Denton County DWI Search and Seizure Lawyer
If you believe you were subject to an unlawful search and seizure, reach out to Magaña & Van Dyke. We'll thoroughly examine your circumstances to determine your legal options. If your constitutional protections were violated, we'll submit motions to have the evidence thrown out, which can weaken the State's case against you.
For skilled defense in Denton County, call our attorneys at 940-382-1976 or contact us online for a complimentary consultation.